March 30, 2022 - Virtual Lunch & Learn
Enhancing Cosmetic and Therapeutic Ingredient Development Through Fermentation Technologies - Vincent Gruber, PhD
Students $5 | Members $10 | Non-members $15
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Fermentation has been practiced as an art of preservation and flavor enhancement since mankind created civilizations. At its basics, fermentation is controlled spoilage and likely happened first by accident before humans began to understand the benefits of what controlling spoilage means. However, with the advent of development of specialized bioreactors and equipment to control both liquid and solid fermentation, the practice of the art has expanded considerably. Most people know, for example, that cabbage and other vegetables can be fermented by naturally-occurring microorganisms to provide the Korean specialty called Kimchi. Likewise, tea leaves are regularly fermented to enhance the flavor and benefits of the teas produced by the leaves. Most people know that under the right conditions, sugars are converted by yeast, like Saccharomyces cerevisiae, to produce alcohol via controlled fermentation. What makes fermentation attractive is that it can be done using a modest investment in fermentation equipment. Once a fermentation system is set up, it can be used over and over to produce countless ingredients that can find their way into nutrition, cosmetic and therapeutic applications. The process of fermentation can be simple, as the Kimchi example above suggests, or it can be quite intricate as may be required to produce a biological therapeutic or pharmaceutical product. This talk will summarize the art of fermentation and will focus on ingredients that have been developed for cosmetic applications via the methods of fermentation. It will discuss how various types of microorganisms can produce unique products and properties via fermentation. The talk will also touch on products on the market known to contain fermentation-based ingredients and on some of the regulations and beliefs that control the claims that can be made from fermentation-produced ingredients.
About Our Speaker:
Dr. James (Vince) Gruber is the Director of New Technologies at Jeen and BotanicalsPlus developing new ideas and technologies for the personal care, cosmetic and therapeutic industries. Prior to joining Jeen, Dr. Gruber held positions at Botaneco, Sensient, Arch/(Lonza), and Amerchol leading technical teams developing active and functional ingredients. He is the author of 28 refereed articles including 19 referenced in PubMed and numerous non-refereed magazine and trade journal articles covering cosmetic, skin, and hair care topics. He holds 13 granted US Patents and additional published World Patent applications. He has authored numerous edited articles and book chapters and is an author and co-editor of the book Principals of Polymer Science and Technology in Cosmetics and Personal Care published by Francis Taylor.
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