Register Now for SCC78!



Your generous donation helps us fulfill our mission of advancing cosmetic science. Please consider supporting the SCC by making a donation today! Your donation will be acknowledged in one of the following categories: 

  • $2,500 or more - Platinum Club tier
  • $1,000 - $2,499 - Millennium Club tier
  • $500 - $999 - President’s Club tier
  • $250 - $499 - Director’s Club tier
  • $100 - $249 - Century Club tier
  • $99 and under - Chemists Club tier

SCC General Donation Fund - consider making a donation to help support our mission of cosmetic science education.

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I want information on...




Platinum Club ($2,500+)

Richard R. Saute


Millennium Club ($1,000 - $2,499)

Qihong Zhang, Ph.D.



President's Club ($500 - $999)

Michael R. Overstreet

Zoe D. Draelos, MD

Director's Club ($250 - $499)

Ben Vaziri

Courtney Clay

Jessica K. Camper

Stephen Smith, Ph.D.




Century Club ($100 - $249)

Amy G. Marshall

Loren D. Miller

Cheryl L. Jaglinski

Lou DePasquale

David Chun Keung Chan

Marianne Griffeth

Dean Grant

Mark Westerlage

Diana R. Gomez

Michael Martinez

Elizabeth Cocchia

Michael Neighbor 

J. Stuart Harris

Michael S. Starch 

James L. McGee

Mindy S. Goldstein, Ph.D.

Jane C. Hollenberg

Pete Colombo

Jose Alverez

Sharon K. Christie

Kelly Delgadillo

Stephen Smith, Ph.D.

Kenneth Sahr Momoh

Thomas S. Spencer Ph.D.

Leonard Appelle

Tim McCraw

Lisa Kringas

TImothy Crawford

Ljiljana Milan Markovic

Tommaso Buco





Chemists Club ($99 and under)

Ashley Marie Pulido

Lisa Bouldin

Belinda Jenks

Maria Mazzacaro

Christian Eduardo Castro

Maire Loden

Christine Tian

Mark Chamberlin

Clara Ester Palomo Díaz

Marlane Fabro Rulloda

Daianna Williams

Matthias Bugge

Dana Michelle Odom

Megan Fitzback

Daniel McCaul

Michelle A. Linscott

David Valenzuela

Miles Kaegi

Deborah E. Dixon, Ph.D.

Mwanday Yamegni

Dibora Solomon

Natalie Dessources

Donna McCann

Nathalie Rakotondrazafy

Emma N. Phan

Ngoc Uyen Thao Tran

Gaurav Budhiraja

Paul Slavashevich

Gennie Gong

Philip Surdam

George Iannuzzi, CMG, SPE-CAD

Philip Thomas Sheets

Gina Lynne Tagliente Stile

PJ van Kralingen

Jared Murray

Rachel. Sabin

Jeannie Riddle

Rolando Valdes

Jenessa Burney

Ross L. Pearlman

Jennifer Canon

Sam John Brocato

Jennifer Quiros

Samuel LaBonia

John A. Chase

Sean Scruton

John. H. Woodruff

Susan S. Goldsberry

John T. Kressaty

Tim Quinn

Joy A. Atkinson

Vernita Williams

K.P. Ananth, Ph.D.

Vincent Abraham

Kuniko Kadoya

Xochitl  Jafra S.A. Fuentes

Laura J. Morrisson

Zehra Murthy

Lilyanna Kle

 Zoey Feister