Lake Erie Chapter of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists

  • The Lake Erie Chapter serves members from Northern & Eastern Ohio and Pennsylvania. Please join our Community of Cosmetic Industry Professionals

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Society of Cosmetic Chemists

LESCC Course: Clinical & Instrumental Testing of Skin & Skin Care Products

October 17, 2022

For Member Paypal registration ($20.00)

For Non-Member Paypal registration ($40.00)

For Student Paypal registration ($5.00)

For questions or other payment options please email:

Join us @ Courtyard Marriott Akron Downtown - 9:00am – 4:30pm

Course Summary
This course focuses on non-invasive testing of human skin in vivo. Modern methods for testing the effects of skin care products will be discussed. The major emphasis will be on instrumental measurements of skin function. The course goal is to teach cosmetic scientists how the latest noninvasive methods for studying product effects on human skin in vivo can be used for research guidance and cosmetic claim support.

Who Should Attend
This course is designed to benefit anyone who has interest in applying clinical and biophysical methods in cosmetic science. Those responsible for performing such tests may benefit from detailed analysis of the methods and formulators may increase their understanding of how the benefits of their products can be tested.

Course Outline
A. Brief review of skin structure and physiology

i. The Dermis
ii. The Epidermis and Stratum Corneum

B. Principles of Skin Clinical Testing using instruments

i. Required facilities and testing environment
ii. Real world tests versus test carried out in CROs
iii. Special Populations (Infants, Elderly, Atopics)

C. Instrumental Methods for in vivo testing: Principles and Utilization

i. Transepidermal Water Loss, Open and Closed Chamber Devices
ii. Electrical Measurements (Capacitance, Conductance, Impedance)
iii. Mechanical Properties iv. Miscellaneous: D’Squames, Sebutape, Skin pH, Cyanoacrylate Biopsies.
v. Laser Doppler Blood Flow
vi. In-vivo spectroscopy – UV/Visible, IR/ATR, Fluorescence, Raman
vii. High frequency Ultrasound Imaging of Skin
viii. Optical Coherence Tomography
ix. Thermography x. Image analysis of replicas
xi. Image analysis of topography in vivo, Primos and Visia
xii. Skin Color Measurements
xiii. Clinical Photography

D. Study Designs for Specific Tropical Products


For questions or other payment options: SEND US A MESSAGE

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Chartered in 1982, the Lake Erie Chapter is comprised of members from Northeastern Ohio and Pennsylvania. The chapter holds several meetings during the year to promote new technologies and applications, in addition to supporting professional growth. The Lake Erie Chapter also publishes the “Lake Effects” newsletter.