Read about the SCC's new Certificate in Skin Care.


Exhibitor Agreement & Regulations


The Agreement must be completed in its entirety and accompanied by payment in full for the number of spaces requested before it will be processed or space assigned. This signed Agreement and subsequent notice of space assignment constitute a contract between the Society of Cosmetic Chemists (hereinafter referred to as SCC) and the "Exhibitor" for SCC's 78th Annual Scientific Meeting & Showcase (the "event). Any point not specifically covered in these regulations is subject to the decision of SCC, whose decision shall be final.


The content of materials displayed in any SCC Showcase exhibit space must contribute to education and research in the cosmetics and personal care industry, the professional development of our attendees, or provide information on ancillary services. SCC reserves the right to refuse any application for exhibit space or curtail or cancel any exhibit that, in the sole judgment of the SCC, is not consistent with the mission of the Society or the purpose of the meeting. This policy also applies to the nature of displays, advertisements, physical sales of products, and the decorum of exhibitors or their employees.  Exhibits cannot be used for politically or ideologically partisan purposes and are subject to the approval of the SCC show management.


Exhibition space will be assigned at the discretion of SCC. Priority of exhibition selection is given to organizations that have exhibited in previous years, sponsors, and advertisers. SCC will attempt to assign requested space; however, SCC reserves the right to alter Exhibitor’s assigned location at any time, in its sole discretion, if deemed in the best interests of the Showcase or as required by any governing authority. SCC will communicate with Exhibitor as soon as practicable if relocation is necessary.


  • Exhibitor-sponsored functions held on premises, must be pre-approved by the show management.
  • Exhibitor-sponsored private functions, i.e., events that are not open to all meeting attendees, requiring space controlled by the Society according to its contract with the hotel will be placed in the hotel or elsewhere at the sole discretion of SCC Show Management. SCC official program events have priority over events sponsored by other groups, including exhibitors and sponsors. Schedule changes and room reassignments are at the sole discretion of the SCC Show Management, though the SCC will make every effort to limit changes to within forty-five (45) days of the meeting.


All cancellations must be made in writing and sent to SCC Show Management.  SCC Policy for Cancellations received:

  • On or before 9/30/2024: Exhibitor shall receive a refund, less a 30% administrative fee
  • Between 10/1/2024 and 10/31/2024: Exhibitor will receive a refund, less a 50% administrative fee. 

On or After 11/1/2024: No refunds will be given for cancellations. Eligible refunds shall be processed within ten (10) business days after receipt of written notice of cancellation.


Should the premises become, in the sole judgement of SCC, unfit for occupancy, or should the event be materially interfered with by reason of action of the elements, strike, picketing, boycott, embargo, injunction, war, riot, emergency declared by a government agency, or any other act beyond the control of SCC, this Agreement may be terminated by SCC, without any liability for damages sustained by the Exhibitor as a result of such termination. In the event of such termination, the Exhibitor expressly waives such liability and releases SCC of and from all claims for damages. Exhibitor agrees that SCC shall have no further obligations except to refund exhibitor in full if no event takes place. 


All paid exhibition space fees include two (2) Full Access registration badges.  Additional badges/badge types may be purchased by Exhibitor at then-current prices. All exhibit personnel must be registered for the event. Displays must be staffed during official Showcase hours. Badges must be worn at all times for admission to the Showcase and any other events. All exhibit personnel must be registered online by November 15, 2024. Badges may be picked up at the on-site registration desk starting on Wednesday, December 11, 2024; see website for registration desk hours



SCC provides only the furnishings outlined in “Exhibit Options” on the Exhibit page.  Exhibit space security is defined by the area being locked during off, or closed hours.  All display fixtures must be confined to the Exhibitor’s contracted space. Any exhibit fixtures, banners, displays, and/or signs will be permitted to a maximum height of 8’0”. Displays must be contained within the contracted space in such a way that they do not interfere with other Exhibitors’ displays or the ability of attendees to traverse the show floor, in the sole discretion of SCC Show Management. Electrical Needs/Audio Visual Equipment: Exhibitors will be provided with a contact at the hotel after September 1, 2024, for any orders they wish to place; these orders shall be the sole financial responsibility of Exhibitor.


Exhibitors will comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, and requirements relating to health, fire, safety, and use of the premises. Exhibit decorations must be flame-proof and all hangings must clear the floor. Electrical wiring must conform with all federal, state, and municipal government requirements and to National Electrical Code Safety Rules. If inspection indicates that an exhibitor has neglected to comply with these regulations, or otherwise incurs fire hazards SCC reserves the right to cancel, at Exhibitor’s sole expense, all or such part of the exhibit as may be irregular.


The Exhibitor assumes the entire responsibility and liability for losses, damages, and claims arising out of injury or damage, including that by fire or theft, to exhibitor’s displays, equipment, and other property brought upon the premises of the JW Marriott LA Live, and shall indemnify and hold harmless the  JW Marriott LA Live, Freeman Co., Encore, Community Brands/Expo Logic, Dyventive, and SCC and their agents, servants, employees, officers, directors, staff, and members. Each Exhibitor, by signing the Agreement, expressly understands that they release SCC from, and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SCC against any and all claims for such loss, injury, or damage. If SCC shall be held liable for any event which might result from a particular Exhibitor’s action or failure to act, such Exhibitor shall reimburse and hold harmless SCC against any liability resulting therefrom. Exhibitors must adequately insure their materials, goods, wares, and exhibits against loss or injury of any kind and must do so at their own expense; SCC, Freeman Co., and the meeting venue are not responsible for any loss (however caused) to any property of any exhibitor. Exhibitors are solely responsible for their own actions during the SCC Annual Scientific Meeting & Showcase. SCC will provide access to Show Management during the official hours of installation, dismantle, and exhibit hours. The presence of such SCC Show Management is in no case to be interpreted by exhibitors as guaranteeing them against loss or theft of any kind.  


Distributing any matter outside of the Exhibitor’s rented space is expressly prohibited, unless part of an additional sponsorship agreement. All Exhibitors’ furnishings and displays must be contained within the confines of their exhibition space. Aisles or facility fire exits must not be obstructed at any time. Exhibitors may offer food or beverage at their individual exhibits at their sole expense; however, this must be arranged through SCC Show Management with the hotel food & beverage department. No outside food or beverage is permitted.  SCC reserves the right to restrict any exhibit which might be considered undesirable or does not conform to the Exhibitor Agreement & Regulations, or to make any modifications to these displays, at Exhibitor’s expense, so that the exhibit conforms to the Exhibitor Agreement & Regulations.


Any point not specifically covered in these regulations is subject to the discretion of SCC, whose decision shall be final. SCC may, in its sole discretion, make reasonable changes, amendments, or additions to Exhibitor Agreement & Regulations and any such changes shall be communicated to Exhibitor of record via email within thirty (30) days. Any such changes shall be binding on Exhibitor equally with the other regulations contained herein.